,,iceb ,g5]al #a ,assembly ,report ,public ,rela;ns ,committee ,! ,public ,rela;ns ,committee 0 e/abli%$ foll[+ ! #bjaf ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly4 ,x is *>g$ ) ! responsibil;y ( mak+ "kn to ! \tside _w ! policies1 deci.ns & activities ( ,,iceb4 ,! ,committee is l$ by ! ,public ,rela;ns ,(fic] & 3si/s ( "o repres5tative f ea* memb] c.try ( ,,iceb4 ,! ,committee has op]at$ z a ,special ,purpose ,committee1 h["e x is recomm5d$ t x 2 e/abli%$ z a ,p]man5t ,committee to reflect ! important & ongo+ nature ( xs "w4 ,memb]s ( ! ,promo;ns ,committee = ! #bjaf-#bjbj t]m w]e3 ,leona ,holl[ay "<,*air1 ,au/ralia">1 ,j5 ,g\ld5 "<,canada">1 ,/u>t ,lawl] "<,irel&">1 ,*antelle ,gri6i?s "<,new ,z1l&">1 ,re9ette ,popple/"o "<,s\? ,africa">1 ,mike ,t[ns5d "<,,uk"> & ,sue ,reilly "<,,usa">4 ,we 7 extremely sadd5$ by ! d1? ( ,re9ette ,popple/"o 9 #bjai4 ,%e 0 a l;g-"t 3tributor to brl at an 9t]na;nal level & possess$ an eloqu5t writ+ /yle t 0 an asset to \r ,committee4 ,social ,m$ia ,ov] ! la/ f\r ye>s1 ,,iceb has jo9$ ! _w ( social m$ia1 e/abli%+ ,facebook & ,twitt] a3.ts to raise aw>e;s ab ,,iceb & to %>e news & ev5ts promot+ brl4 ,twitt] ,! ,,iceb ,twitt] a3.t @a,,iceb,'braille 0 e/abli%$ 9 ,may #bjaf at ! comm;e;t ( ! ,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly4 ,s9ce !n1 ,,iceb has tweet$ ov] #c #cjj "ts4 ,mo/ tweets >e replicat+ 3t5t %>$ on ! ,,iceb ,facebook page1 ) ! addi;n ( "s re-tweets ( brl-relat$ mat]ial f o!r s\rces4 ,,iceb has ov] #bej foll[]s on ,twitt]4 ,facebook ,,iceb e/abli%$ a ,facebook page 9 ,febru>y #bjag4 ,! ,,iceb ,facebook page is locat$ at https3_/_/www4facebook4com" _/,,iceb,'braille_/4 ,x has ov] #djj foll[]s & xs memb]%ip is gr[+ sl[ly b /1dily4 ,typical po/s r1* >.d #aej p1 h["e popul> po/s c r1* m ?an #b1jjj4 ,! mo/ popul> po/s (t5 relate to new brl te*nology "d1 ,dot,book l[ co/ refre%able brl 4play1 ,brl ,buzz le>n+ tool">1 new or updat$ rules = ,,ueb1 & brl 9 ! ma9/r1m "ds">4 ,items f ! ,,iceb ,facebook page t >e likely to 2 ( l;g-t]m 9t]e/ >e >*iv$ on ! ,,iceb website at http3_/_/iceb4org_/,,pr" updates4html1 gr\p$ by subject matt]4 ,,iceb-ann\nce ,,iceb-ann\nce is a "o-way li/s]v on gr\ps4io res]v$ = important ann\nce;ts ab ,,iceb activities s* z updates to ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl & upcom+ face-to-face ,,iceb meet+s4 ,x is al us$ = 4tribu;n ( ! ,,iceb newslr4 ,,iceb-ann\nce has ov] #aej subscrib]s4 #e ,:ile ! major;y ( ,,iceb subscrib]s & foll[]s acr \r v>i\s social m$ia plat=ms >e f ,,iceb memb] c.tries1 "! is al mode/ \tr1* to o!r c.tries 9clud+ ,botswana1 ,brazil1 ,9dia1 ,f9l&1 ,fr.e1 ,japan1 ! ,ne!rl&s1 ,russia1 ,v5ezuela & ,zimbabwe4 ,newslr ,! f/ ,,iceb newslr 0 produc$ 9 ,decemb] #bjah4 ,s9ce !n1 x has be5 produc$ & 4tribut$ qu>t]ly 9 ,m>*1 ,june1 ,septemb] & ,decemb]4 ,! newslr is circulat$ "? ,,iceb's li/s]v & /or$ on ! ,,iceb website4 ,ea* $i;n 9cludes a mix ( ,,iceb news1 ,,ueb ,,faq & te/-yr-k1 news f ! broad] brl commun;y1 & upcom+ ev5ts4 ,produc;n ( ! newslr requires 3sid]able "w1 ) xs su3ess dep5d5t ^u collective ef=t4 ,?anks >e ext5d$ to ! _m 3tributors ( id1s1 writ+1 pro(r1d+ & brl transcrip;n t >e comb9$ to produce ea* newslr4 ,website ,! ,,iceb website at http3_/_/iceb4org s]ves z a public door to ! "w d"o by ,,iceb & z a repository = 9=ma;n & mat]ials4 ,new pages & 9=ma;n h be5 add$ to ! website ov] ! la/ f\r ye>s1 mo/ notably3 _4 ,qk l9ks at ! top ( ea* page & a site map = easi] naviga;n2 _4 ,committee pages = ! ,brl ,music ,committee1 ,public ,rela;ns & ! ,brl ,signage ,committee "<>*ival">2 _4 ,a new page = ,,ueb tra9+ & res\rce mat]ials2 #g _4 ,docu;ts on ,sett+ ,up a ,brl ,au?or;y & ,a ,guide to ,l[-,co/ ,brl ,produc;n "<#bjab">2 _4 ,mat]ials f ! #bjaf ,g5]al ,assembly & ! #bjah mid-t]m ,executive meet+2 _4 ,! ,home ,page has be5 kept updat$ ) curr5t news4 ,:ile ! 3t5t on ! ,,iceb website has be5 significantly exp&$ & updat$1 x 3t9ues to 2 h\s$ on an old plat=m4 ,? m1ns t po/+ mat]ials to ! website requires m "t & te*nical k ?an wd 2 nec 7 x to 2 updat$4 ,n"e!.s1 ! curr5t plat=m all[s full a3essibil;y = ! adm9i/rators & we h ?ree p famili> ) ! site & able to cr1te xs 3t5t4 ,an upgrade wd 9volve 3sid]able "w & is n recomm5d$ un.s addi;nal func;nal;y is requir$4 ,,iceb ,rela;n%ips & ,\tr1* ,judy ,dixon is ,,iceb's repres5tative on ! ,_w ,brl ,c\ncil4 ,a r5ew$ ,_w ,brl ,c\ncil held xs f/ meet+ 9 ,ottawa 9 ,may #bjah4 ,judy ,dixon 0 pres5t1 z 7 s"eal o!r memb]s ( ! ,,iceb ,executive ,committee4 ,h["e1 ! ,,wbc has n func;n$ z a committee s9ce t "t4 ,,iceb-produc$ docu;ts on ,sett+ ,up a ,brl ,au?or;y " & ,a ,guide to ,l[-,brl ,produc;n "<#bjab"> >e n[ available on ,,iceb's website4 ,a po/] promot+ ,,iceb & xs free res\rces 0 pres5t$ at ,,spevi #bjbj1 a 3f];e = speciali/ vi.n t1*]s 9 ! ,s\? ,pacific region4 ,to #i date1 ,,iceb has made n be5 active 9 promot+ xf at ext]nal 3f];es & ev5ts4 ,? repres5ts a future opportun;y wor? explor+4 ,3clu.n ,! "w ( ,,iceb is ( import.e to all c.tries us+ or t1*+ ,5gli% & brl4 ,! ,public ,rela;ns ,committee has be5 pl1s$ to significantly exp& ! m$ia "? : we c %>e ? "w ov] ! la/ f\r ye>s4 ,9 "picul>1 ! e/abli%;t ( social m$ia *annels1 ! iceb-ann\nce li/s]v & ! qu>t]ly ,,iceb newslr repres5t major a*ieve;ts ) m1surable impact4 ,we hope t ^! \tlets w 3t9ue to 2 us$ 9 ! future & t \r memb]s & foll[]s w help to %>e ,,iceb's rules1 guidel9es & res\rces = brl )9 _! local brl communities4 ,m* "w rema9s to 2 d"o1 "picul>ly 9 t]ms ( \tr1* to non-memb] c.tries & collabora;n ) o!r organisa;ns4 ,leona ,holl[ay ,public ,rela;ns ,(fic] ,augu/ #bjbj ,app5dix3 ,*>ges #aa ,! ,brl ,rese>* ,committee has _h sev5 *>ges address ov] ! la/ f\r ye> t]m4 ,mo/1 b n all1 ( ^! *>ges h be5 complet$1 z docu;t 2l4 ,,bp#c ,repository ( ,,pr items ,*>ge3 ,agree on a process = submitt+ mat]ial to ! repository4 ,monitor ! repository & $it & republi% use;l items z "p ( promo;nal activities4 ,"picul>ly use;l mat]ials 9clude gd practice 9 ,,ueb & transi;n+ to ,,ueb4 "<#bjac"> ,/atus3 ,complete4 ,all ,,iceb memb]s >e 9vit$ to %>e _! news items "? ! ,,iceb ,,pr ,committee4 ,items publi%$ "? ! ,,iceb ,facebook page " >e >*iv$ 9 a repository at http3_/_/iceb4org_/,,pr" updates4html4 ,! ,,iceb website al has a page li/+ free ,,ueb tra9+ res\rces at http3_/_/iceb4org_/ueb-" tra9+4html4 ,,bp#g develop+ c.tries ,,ueb "w+ gr\p ,*>ge3 ,make 3tact ) ,_w ,bl ,union _/ ,_w ,bl ,c\ncil bo? globally & at regional level to set up a jo9t 8develop+ c.tries ,,ueb "w+ gr\p = ! develop;t & promo;n ( brl04 "<#bjac"> ,/atus3 ,n d"o4 ,,bp#h publi% l[ co/ brl produc;n report ,*>ge3 ,$it & publi% ,j1n ,obi's report on l[ co/ brl produc;n4 "<#bjac"> ,/atus3 ,complete4 ,available 9 ,^w & ,,brf f #ac iceb4org_/,,pr4html ,,bp#ab id5tify \tlets = public;y ,*>ge3 ,cr1te mat]ials & id5tify \tlets = public;y & promo;nal mat]ials 9clud+ press rel1ses4 "<#bjac"> ,/atus3 ,/ requir$4 ,,bp #ac ,,iceb ,newslr cr1;n @& ,,bp#ad ,,iceb ,newslr 4tribu;n ,*>ge "<,,bp#ac">3 ,cr1te a newslr at l1/ twice a ye>4 ,! newslr %d communicate ! activities ( ,,iceb & promote ,,ueb especially 9 c.tries : >e curr5tly n memb]s ( ,,iceb4 ,*>ge "<,,bp#ad">3 ,4tribute ! newslr "? z _m exi/+ *annels z practical4 ,/atus3 ,ongo+4 ,! ,,iceb ,newslr 0 laun*$ 9 ,decemb] #bjah & has be5 publi%$ qu>t]ly s9ce !n4 ,! newslr is 4tribut$ "? ! ,,iceb-ann\nce li/s]v & promot$ "? ! ,,iceb website & social m$ia4 ,,bp#ae ,5gage ) ,,wbc ,*>ge3 ,5gage ) ! ,_w ,brl ,c\ncil1 emphasiz+ ! util;y ( ,,ueb ": ,5gli% is a second or regional language s* z 9 ! ,europ1n ,union or ,angloph"o ,africa4 ,/atus3 ,/ requir$4