^7,,iceb ,g5]al ,assembly #bast #a ,- #bfth ,may #bjaf^' ^7,c.try ,report3 ,irel&^' ,irel& jo9$ ! ,,iceb 9 late #bjab via xs ,brl ,au?or;y1 ,,9baf "<,iri% ,na;nal ,brl & ,alt]native ,=mat ,associa;n">4 ,,9baf 0 only e/abli%$ >.d ! "t ( ! la/ ,g5]al ,assembly 9 ,may #bjab4 ,? 0 m* help$ & 5c\rag$ by bo? ! !n presid5t ( ! ,,iceb1 ,pete ,osborne1 & ! pa/ presid5t1 ,m>y ,s*nack5b]g1 :o al provid$ practical advice on ! set-up ( a new au?or;y4 ,irel& 0 al w>mly welcom$ at ,executive level1 s on 2half ( ,,9baf ,i wd l to express s9c]e ?anks = all ! help rcvd4 ,! ,republic ( ,irel& is a small c.try ) a total popula;n ( ca4 #d4f million4 ,"! >e s"eal organisa;ns "w+ 9 ! field ( ,visual ,impair;t3 ,! ,na;nal ,c\ncil = ! ,bl "<,,ncbi">1 ,*ild,vi.n "<,! $uca;n c5tre = bl *n">1 ,iri% ,guide ,dogs & ,fis to =m ! ,na;nal ,vi.n ,coali;n z an umbrella lo2y #b gr\p4 ,:ile ,irel& has sign$ up to ! ,,:o's ,vi.n #bjbj plans 9 #bjjc x has yet to deliv] on xs ,na;nal ,vi.n ,/rategy & ! cr1;n ( a commis.n1 s ! ,na;nal ,vi.n ,coali;n is "w+ t[>ds t goal4 ^7,brl ,provi.n 9 ,irel&^' ,prior to ! e/abli%;t ( ,,9baf all ,iri% brl r1d]s1 $ucators & transcrib]s wd ref] to guidel9es issu$ by ,,ukaaf "<& previ\sly ,,bauk1 = brl only">1 b "! 0 no lo2y 9 ,irel& = alt]native =mats4 ,"! al 0 no =mal repres5ta;n = ! unique ,iri% brl code1 i4e4 ! brl code = ! ,iri% language "<,gaelige">1 ,irel&'s second (ficial language 2ss ,5gli%4 ,"! >e ?ree ma9 brl transcrip;n c5tres 9 ,irel&3 #a"> ,na;nal ,brl ,produc;n at ,*ild,vi.n transcribes $uca;nal mat]ial cov]+ all prim>y & second>y subjects = all *n ) visual impair;t4 #b"> ,! ,,ncbi's ,m$ia ,c5tre transcribes leisure r1d+ & #c comm]cial mat]ial #c"> ,! brl unit at ,>b\r ,hill ,prison "<,iri% ,prison ,s]vice"> transcribes comm]cial mat]ial ,9 addi;n to t1 mo/ gov]n;t de"p;ts h _! [n transcrip;n s]vices1 (t5 l9k+ 9 ) any ( ! ?ree abv4 ,univ]sities & colleges >e responsible = a3ess pa?s via ! ,/ud5t ,s]vices ,de"p;ts & ag1 ^? wd l9k 9 ) any ( ! c5tres m5;n$4 ,! two libr>ies = ! ,bl1 ,,ncbi's m$ia c5tre & ! ,*ns' ,libr>y at ,*ild,vi.n al buy 9 books f o!r transcrip;n c5tres abroad4 ,*ild,vi.n runs a ye>ly 8,le>n ,brl0 ,c\rse = sin]s1 bas$ on ! ,,ueb updat$ ,birm+ham ,brl ,c\rse mat]ial & a3r$it$ by ! ,iri% ,qualifica;ns ,frame"w "<,,qqi">4 ,to date ca4 #ge c\rse "picipants h be5 tra9$ to a*ieve a basic transcrib]'s level & help ! e/abli%;t ( a net"w ( k ab brl all ov] ,irel&4 ^7,,9baf's "w f #bjab-#bjaf^' #d ^7#bjab & #bjac^' ,) ! =ma;n ( ,,9baf1 an ov]see+ ,,9baf committee & two "w+ gr\ps 7 e/abli%$4 ,"o "w+ gr\p 0 task$ ) develop+ ,iri% ,brl1 ! o!r to ov]see ! ,,ueb imple;ta;n 9 ,irel&4 ,foll[+ a meet+ ) ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n & ,skills 9 ! autumn ( #bjac1 ! latt] 0 exp&$ to 2come a ,,ueb ,/e]+ ,committee ) full repres5ta;n f ! ,de"p;t's ,visit+ ,t1*] ,s]vice = ! ,visually ,impair$1 t1*]s f ! two s*ools = visually impair$1 adult brl r1d]s & ,,9baf memb]s4 ,! ,iri% ,brl ,"w+ gr\p />t$ 3sid]+ a f/ draft = a new ,iri% ,brl code 9 l9e ) ,,ueb punctua;n & "w$ xs way "? s"eal improve;t /ages4 ,,ueb tra9+ 0 rcvd by mo/ ,,9baf memb] /aff gr\ps 9 ,augu/ #bjac1 deliv]$ by coll1gues f ,,ukaaf4 ,? 0 foll[$ up ) ,,9baf l$ tra9+ especially to brl pro(r1d]s & adult brl r1d]s4 ,,ueb 0 (ficially adopt$ on ,decemb] #bnd #bjac4 ,a s*$ule 0 agre$ : #e =esaw ! imple;ta;n = ! f/ ?ree ye>s ( prim>y s*ool 9 ,septemb] #bjad1 ) ! rema9+ #e prim>y s*ool ye>s to 2 cov]$ 9 #bjae4 ^7#bjad & #bjae^' ,,uib1 ! ,updat$ ,iri% ,brl ,code1 0 agre$ on by ! ,iri% ,brl ,"w+ ,gr\p & =mally adopt$ on ! #crd ,m>* #bjad4 ,? m1nt t imple;ta;n ( ,,ueb & ,,uib cd 2 d"o simultane\sly f !n on1 : made a lot ( s5se = *n le>n+ brl4 ,9 ,may #bjad all ,visit+ ,t1*]s = ! ,visually ,impair$ rcvd ,,ueb tra9+4 ,a s]ies ( 9=mal 9=ma;n ses.ns on bo? ,,ueb & ,,uib />t$ 9 ,octob] #bjad4 ,,9baf 0 9spir$ by ,,iceb 9=ma;n on brl "pies 9 ,canada & decid$ to g ) an 9=mal =mat ( c(fee afns & 4cus.n ( 9=ma;n mat]ial4 ,^! ses.ns 7 held 9 ,cork 9 ,octob] #bjad1 ,dubl9 9 ,decemb] #bjad1 ,galway 9 ,m>* #bjae & ,lrk5ny #bjae4 ,\ ( ! ses.n 9 ,lrk5ny came a reque/ by coll1gues f ,nor!rn ,irel& = a tailor$ ,,ueb tra9+ ses.n = ! ,,qtvi,'s #f "<,qualifi$ ,t1*]s = ,visually ,impair$"> 9 ! ,nor?4 ,? 0 tailor$ & deliv]$ 9 ,novemb] #bjae4 ,,ueb_/,,uib 0 imple;t$ at ,junior ,9fant1 ,s5ior ,9fant & #ast class prim>y s*ool level 9 ,septemb] #bjad4 ,x 0 hop$ to ext5d t to all prim>y s*ool levels by ,septemb] #bjae1 b ? 0 delay$4 ,:il/ fully support+ ! id1s 2h ,,ueb & ,,uib1 ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n & ,skills did n fund ! nec tra9+ = t1*]s & res\rces = transcrib]s1 s ! ,,ueb ,/e]+ ,committee _h to alt] ! plan acly & ,septemb] #bjae only saw ! imple;ta;n g up by "o addi;nal prim>y s*ool ye> to 5sure 3t9u;y = ^? *n :o _h />t$ to le>n ,,ueb_/,,uib4 ,t1*] tra9+ 9 ,,uib 0 provid$ by ,,9baf 9 ,april #bjae at no co/ to ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n & ,skills4 ,no fur!r addi;nal fund+ 0 rcvd 9 rela;n to ! ,,ueb_/,,uib imple;ta;n4 ,! ,,ueb ,/e]+ ,committee h;e _h to make a deci.n to ei imple;t ye> by ye> "<: wd h l$ to full imple;ta;n 9 #bjbe1 due to ! #g #ad-ye> l;g s*ool+ 9 ,irel&"> or to take ! l1p to imple;t 9 a block 9to f/ly prim>y s*ools 9 #bjaf & !n second>y s*ools 9 #bjag_/#ah4 ,z "ey"o agre$ to n h a drawn \ dual produc;n p]iod 9 bo? ,,ueb & ,,uib1 ! deci.n 0 made = a qk]1 albeit f9ancially m di6icult imple;ta;n ) ! risk ( m s]i\s delays4 ,h["e1 transcrib]s w h to "w 9 #d codes until ! full imple;ta;n 9 #bjah "<,,seb_/,,ueb1 ,iri% braille_/,,uib">1 : is dem&+4 ,3tact 0 made ) ! ,/ate ,exam9a;ns ,commis.n :5 ^! issues 7 4cuss$ to make !m aw>e ( ! upcom+ code *anges & h[ & :5 x wd a6ect ! provi.n ( /ate exam9a;n pap]s 9 brl4 ,? "w is on-go+4 ,al 9 #bjae1 ,,9baf made 3tact ) ! ,canute develop;t t1m1 ,bri/ol ,brl ,te*nologies & ! ,bri/ol brailli/s1 : l$ to ,,9baf te/+ a prototype 9 ,irel& 9 ,septemb] #bjae4 ,fur!r trials >e s*$ul$4 ,? >ea ( "w 0 v wor?:ile1 z ! two brailli/s meet+s 9 ,dubl9 7 excep;nally well att5d$ & provid$ a #h =um = ,,9baf to al 9=m ab o!r brl develop;ts4 ,two music brl "ds 7 held 9 #bjad_/#bjae "u ! ,,9baf umbrella & ! 2g9n+s ( a music "w+ gr\p associat$ ) ,,9baf evolv$4 ,gr\p memb]s >e n[ memb]s or obs]v]s on ! ,,iceb music committee4 ^1#bjaf ,) ! imple;ta;n ( ,,ueb_/,,uib 9 #bjad & #bjae came qu]ies ab *anges to ma?s nota;n4 ,a ma?s brl "w+ gr\p 0 e/abli%$ : 3si/$ ( t1*]s & transcrib]s4 ,? gr\p look$ at ! ord] 9 : symbols >e 2+ 9troduc$ 9 ! ,iri% ma?s prim>y s*ool curriculum4 ,! gr\p has s9ce develop$ a guide to ,,ueb & ma?s = prim>y s*ool & is />t+ to look at second>y s*ool level4 ,? 0 a v positive & practical \tcome = "ey"o 9volv$ & w assi/ bo? t1*]s & new transcrib]s4 ,a new type ( 9=ma;n ses.n w 2 run on ! #eth ,may 9 ,galway1 ? "t look+ at refre%able brl & ,,ueb1 to exp& on ! previ\s ses.ns & to explore #i possibilities ) brl us]s4 ,! motto = ! "d is 8,brl 9 ! ,we/06 ,,9baf w ov]see ! full imple;ta;n ( ,,ueb to prim>y s*ools4 ,! focus w !n %ift to second>y s*ools & exams & to rais+ m aw>e;s at #crd level & = adult r1d]s4 ,^? h alr be5 suppli$ ) 9=ma;n "? ! 9=ma;n "ds & directly via ! libr>y & m$ia c5tre4 ,_m rcv j\rnals f ! ,,uk : >e n[ 9 ,,ueb4 ,h["e1 "! >e no res\rces available to produce l>ge am.ts ( fre% r1d+ mat]ial 9 h>dcopy ,,ueb at ! mo;t4 ,9 3clu.n1 ! la/ f\r ye>s 7 ev5t;l = ,irel& 9 t]ms ( ! *anges to brl4 ,! positive \tcome is t m aw>e;s has be5 rais$ = brl 9 g5]al4 ,! ,,9baf delegates & 9de$ all ,,9baf memb]s look =w>d to ! 3t9u+ gd "w+ rela;n%ip ) coll1gues )9 ! ,,iceb net"w4